Steps to Connect with Airtel 3G Trick for PC:
You need to have PC Handler for using This Trick, also Opera Browser for PC is needed to take full benefit of this Airtel 3G Trick.
Download Proxomitron Software From - Here
Step 1: After you Downloaded the above Software contains default Config file as well.
Open the File Named “default.cfg” with notepad.
In Notepad you will Find “yourhostputithere” and replace it with your Working Free real Host of your State.
Save The Notepad File.
If you don’t know The Hosts, or Real Host of your State, then download the Config file provided here which will suite for south users such as Kerala Karnataka etc.
Download Config File From - HERE
Step 2: Now in the Program menu of app, go to file - load config file and select the file named default.cfg or the Above dowloaded config file, in the proxomitron folder in programs file where u installed
Step 3: This Free Airtel 3G Trick will only Work in Opera Browser in PC. If you don’t have opera for PC, Then Download Opera Browser for computer -
When you have installed Opera, you need to Click on Opera Turbo.
Step 4: Now Change Opera Proxy server as (also Enter Proxy Settings in IDM)
Go to: Opera - Settings - preferences -Advance tab - Network - Proxy Server - Use Manual - Tick on HTTP Now Enter the Below Proxy and Port and tick on “use Proxy for All” and Save the Settings.
proxy =
port =8080
Step 5: Open proxomitron, Connect with it and Minimize it to Tray, Now Open Opera Browser and Enter Any Website which you want to Visit.
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Thanks To AllTypeHacks - Hackers Team
but wat abt downloading frm torrentz dts d main purpose of 3g without downloading its no use bro
ردحذفand also send config file for north users
ردحذفhey whats the Real Host for west bengal...pls reply soon..
ردحذفwhat if i am using torrnts
ردحذفwhat is host of hyderabad state ?
ردحذفplz rply
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